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Lessons From “The Biggest Loser” Fallout

Lessons From “The Biggest Loser” Fallout

A few days ago the NY Times posted an article about the popular weight-loss show “The Biggest Loser” and how some of its former contestants had fared in the months and years after participating. As it turns out… they hadn’t done well. Just about all of the contestants had gained the weight back and were as unhealthy as ever. I’ve long thought “The Biggest Loser” to be an absolute mockery of health and wellness so I can’t say the findings were especially surprising, but I’ve had more than a few clients and gym goers bring it up so I thought it would serve as a launching point for further discussion.

3 Rules For The Best Workout You’ve Ever Had

3 Rules For The Best Workout You’ve Ever Had

No matter what it is that you love to do – do it harder then you have done before. Look to make progress in some way during this “finish”. Maybe you go heavier, do more repetitions, or travel a particular distance in less time. The specifics of your challenge need not be complex. In fact, you’ll benefit most when they are personal, attainable, and beneficial to your long term goal.

The Perfect Exercise Program

The Perfect Exercise Program

Last month I outlined the various factors to consider when designing your own personal workout program, emphasizing that there is no one-size-fits-all exercise program. Over the next few months we are going to delve a little deeper into each factor so you can design the “perfect” workout program for you.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Fat Soluble Vitamins

When many people think of vitamins, they think of the multi-vitamin bottle found at the drug store. However there another better more efficient multi-vitamin out there that’s way better than any pill you can take, it’s the vitamins found in our food. For those that need a refreshers on what exactly are vitamins here is a little crash course.

Macros and Weight Loss

Macros and Weight Loss

If you’re even remotely close to the fitness industry, or someone in it, you’ve heard of the concept of “if it fits your macros.” For some, it’s a way of life. For others, even the thought of keeping detailed notes on exactly what and how much they consume is their worst nightmare. So, I wanted to do a little breakdown and analysis of some benefits of macro counting, and maybe you can let you decide for yourself whether you could pull enough benefit out of the experience to give it a go. 

Why… Why… Why… And why AGAIN?!

Why… Why… Why… And why AGAIN?!

We all know some days are just a COMPLETE struggle— I’m just going to keep it real. Maybe you feel like pulling your hair out in the office one morning, maybe you are dreading your daily workout or maybe getting out of bed is a compete challenge for you some days.

4 Not-As-Common Exercises That Can Pay Off

4 Not-As-Common Exercises That Can Pay Off

There’s a nearly endless variety of different exercises that you can use in the weight room, and with so many options to choose from it’s a virtual certainty that some won’t get the attention they deserve. I’ve chosen to highlight the following four exercises because I think that they tend to be under-utilized by most gym goers, but this isn’t to say that any of them are some sort of magic bullet. Not to dash anybody’s hopes right from the start, but there is no such bullet.

Why Strong?

Why Strong?

Strength is a word that holds a myriad of meanings, all of which depend upon what circle of individuals you find yourself standing among. For some, strength means a fistful of chalk and the sensation that accompanies pounds of iron bending within your grasp. Others may find similar awareness after the completion of a long workout or even just a long day.

The Perfect Exercise Program

The Perfect Exercise Program

As a personal trainer, I am often asked fitness questions by people I meet at parties or in normal daily encounters. I hear things like: “What is the best workout?”  “Is running good for you or is swimming better?” “Which group exercise class is the best?” “What about squats, are they good to do?” I barely know the person; we may have just met that evening, or five minutes before. They want a one word answer; one simple answer to solve their fitness-related problems.