VO2 Max Resources

Why Women May Reap More Health Benefits from Exercise than Men

Why Women May Reap More Health Benefits from Exercise than Men

The common phrase "exercise is medicine" has been coined to underscore the importance of physical activity as a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. While it's universally acknowledged that everyone can benefit from exercise, emerging research suggests that women may...

Gym Workouts vs At-Home Workouts: Which will Survive Post-COVID-19?

Gym Workouts vs At-Home Workouts: Which will Survive Post-COVID-19?

When gyms closed last year, many of us were forced to master the at-home workout to keep in shape. Most facilities have now opened their doors fully or at limited capacity with shortened hours of operation, bringing in troves of folks who have been antsy to resume...

How to Know if You’re Overtraining

How to Know if You’re Overtraining

Can you work out too much? We tend to think more is better when setting fitness goals. Log more hours at the gym, schedule two-a-days, burn an extreme number of calories. While working harder may make sense logically to see results, there’s a danger that comes with...

What does Consumer Genetic Testing Say about Fitness and Trainability?

What does Consumer Genetic Testing Say about Fitness and Trainability?

In our ever-evolving age of information, the promise of using DNA to answer many of our health questions incredibly intriguing. If we know which genes we have, and which genes we don’t have, we can know more about how to plan for the future. But is the science really...

3 Rules For The Best Workout You’ve Ever Had

3 Rules For The Best Workout You’ve Ever Had

No matter what it is that you love to do – do it harder then you have done before. Look to make progress in some way during this “finish”. Maybe you go heavier, do more repetitions, or travel a particular distance in less time. The specifics of your challenge need not be complex. In fact, you’ll benefit most when they are personal, attainable, and beneficial to your long term goal.

Why Strong?

Why Strong?

Strength is a word that holds a myriad of meanings, all of which depend upon what circle of individuals you find yourself standing among. For some, strength means a fistful of chalk and the sensation that accompanies pounds of iron bending within your grasp. Others may find similar awareness after the completion of a long workout or even just a long day.

Cross-Training on Different Terrain

Cross-Training on Different Terrain

Running alone is a challenge but adding different terrain can make it even more of a challenge and rewarding at the same time. The surface you train on can make a huge difference in both your physical endurance and your overall running performance. So what’s best for you? The real answer is switching it up and training on different terrain to help build endurance, gain speed, and allow your muscles to recover properly. Below I’ve provided some on my pro’s and con’s to the different terrain runners can use to train on.