Dexa Scan
A DEXA Scan accurately measures body fat, lean mass, bone density and visceral fat so you can track your progress towards your body composition goals in real-time.
Our team at Composition ID in Houston uses state-of-the-art DXA technology to help you discover your baseline body composition, then track changes over time to show results from your nutrition and fitness plan.
Total Body Knowledge
A DEXA Scan is a quick, non-invasive procedure that provides accurate and comprehensive body composition data. Unlike any other body composition analysis technology on the market, a DEXA Scan provides an in-depth breakdown of body fat and lean mass across all 5 regions of the body: arms, legs, trunk, android (belly) and gynoid (hips). From there, apply a nutrition and fitness plan and track your progress to reach your goals.
Why Choose a DEXA Scan?
To work smarter towards your goals and get the results you want, you must first get to know your unique body composition.
Accurate. Most traditional body composition tests have a 5-15% error rate. With only a 1-2% error rate, a DEXA Scan is the industry’s most precise and reliable way to measure body composition.
Comprehensive. A DEXA Scan is the only method available that distinguishes between body fat mass, lean mass and bone mineral content so you have the most comprehensive view of your body composition.
Comparative. A DEXA Scan compares both the left- and right-side lean muscle in your arms, legs and trunk region so you can discover any muscular imbalances due to overuse or injury.
Simple. There is no need to fast, limit caffeine or eliminate water from your body before a DEXA Scan in order to get accurate results. A scan is simple, fast and non-invasive.
Schedule a DEXA Scan to:
- Discover Your Body Composition
- Redefine Your Health & Fitness Goals
- Track Progress & See Results