Bacon, eggs, and side of toast: a classic American breakfast. With a few simple twists, it can be a healthy start to your morning. If you ditch the toast – oh, and hold the egg yolks. Or was it the bacon that we should avoid? No, bacon is good. In fact, pile on the bacon.
Have you ever been confused about what to eat? Which foods to “cut out” and which to embrace? You’re not alone. Over half of Americans (60% of millennials) report uncertainty and doubt surrounding food choices, according to recent findings from the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation’s 12th Annual Food and Health Survey.
So why all of the confusion? There is an abundance of nutrition information available to us, much of which presents conflicting advice. Eighty percent of Americans report finding contradictory information on what to eat and what to avoid. Americans are also much more likely to refer to friends and family for nutritional wisdom than a registered dietitian or and health professional, according to the IFIC survey. But friends and family may be just as confused about what to eat.
Enter the Nutrition Coach. Nutrition coaches provide the relationship and accessibility of a friend, while providing grounded and objective nutrition information, which in some cases surpasses the time and depth other health professionals may be able to provide in a single visit. Need more convincing? Here are the top 5 reasons to seek out a nutrition coach.
Nutrition is a Very Complex Field
In a field that is extremely complex, we need to rely on professionals to help sort through fact and fiction.
First and foremost, a nutrition coach can provide clarity around what to eat and why. Most nutrition coaches have a variety of certifications and degrees that qualify them to provide nutritional guidance, meaning they’ve done their homework.
A Nutrition Coach is Objective
Nutrition can sometimes feel like a political or moral issue. There can be instances where conflicting information becomes muddled in conversation, like the fight over carbs versus fat. Because research is especially important in the field of nutrition, developing an emotional attachment to a study’s claims can be detrimental. Amidst the firestorm of findings, a nutrition coach can continue to remain objective, weighing the evidence both in the literature and practical experience, to develop an approach that works best for an individual client. Their reputation is built on providing the highest level of nutritional guidance based on each client’s needs and goals, so a nutrition plan will always be tailored-made.
In reality, if you had to explain why you ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, you may avoid eating it in the first place. On the other hand, if you had to record daily food intake after being prescribed a well-balanced meal plan, you are more likely to eat healthfully.
A nutrition coach provides accountability with weekly or bi-weekly check-ins to remind clients of their goals and to keep them on track. Check-ins with a nutrition coach also ensures that a plan is correctly designed for a client’s specific needs. Coaches can adjust their recommendations based on client feedback to continue moving towards a set goal or help overcome weight-loss plateaus.
Coaching Creates Lasting Change
Most people know how to lose weight, but not how to apply a weight loss strategy to their own lives and maintain progress for long-term results.
Change is hard. But in order to create lasting change in our bodies, habits and daily routines need to shift, as well as our understanding of food and what works best for our body.
What’s better than attaining a specific body composition goal by summertime? Maintaining it throughout the winter and into the New Year. A nutrition coach not only provides information about what works today, but also helps change habits to support lasting change, while helping to navigate challenges that arise.
Sometimes it’s About More than Just Nutrition
Achieving a fitness goal is hardly ever just about nutrition. Throughout the process of working with a nutrition coach, other areas of wellness that could be modified to improve health may present themselves. For instance, a nutrition coach can help identify ways in which a client can optimize quality of sleep, relieve stress, benefit most from exercise, increase productivity, and improve relationships. Sometimes a client just needs someone to talk to, and a nutrition coach is there to listen.
What to Look for in a Nutrition Coach
Not all nutrition coaches are created equally. Here are a few things to keep in mind when searching for a coach.
- Look for someone with credentials. Do they have any well-known nutrition certifications or nutrition-related degrees?
- Look for someone with experience. Can they provide testimonials of clients they have worked with? Have they helped people like you?
- Be wary of online coaches. It’s easy to generate a ton of social media followers and even fake transformations without any real expertise. When possible, work with a coach in person, someone you know, or work with a well-known nutrition coaching company.
- Avoid generic templates and narrow-minded approaches. Remember, your nutrition coach should be objective, and their suggestions should always be tailored to you. Avoid coaches who provide templates or seem to be emotionally attached to their advice.
If speaking with a nutrition coach would benefit your progress towards setting a reaching nutrition or fitness goals, learn more about our Nutrition Coaching program and schedule an appointment today.