Dexa Resources

Macros and Weight Loss

Macros and Weight Loss

If you’re even remotely close to the fitness industry, or someone in it, you’ve heard of the concept of “if it fits your macros.” For some, it’s a way of life. For others, even the thought of keeping detailed notes on exactly what and how much they consume is their worst nightmare. So, I wanted to do a little breakdown and analysis of some benefits of macro counting, and maybe you can let you decide for yourself whether you could pull enough benefit out of the experience to give it a go. 

4 Not-As-Common Exercises That Can Pay Off

4 Not-As-Common Exercises That Can Pay Off

There’s a nearly endless variety of different exercises that you can use in the weight room, and with so many options to choose from it’s a virtual certainty that some won’t get the attention they deserve. I’ve chosen to highlight the following four exercises because I think that they tend to be under-utilized by most gym goers, but this isn’t to say that any of them are some sort of magic bullet. Not to dash anybody’s hopes right from the start, but there is no such bullet.

3 Weight Training Protocols for improved Body Composition

3 Weight Training Protocols for improved Body Composition

Training with heavy weights is an essential part of any program designed to improve body composition. Short of diet, it’s the most important part of any such program… more so than running or any other aerobic ‘fat burning’ style of working out. Far too often weightlifting is overlooked as a way to lose weight because it’s associated with gaining weight, but the truth is those two things actually go hand-in-hand. If you’re interested in dropping body fat, a big part of the solution is almost certainly to add lean muscle mass to your frame. And while this may sound off-putting to anybody that uses a bathroom scale to gauge the success of a body composition program, adding muscle mass and adding mass are not the same thing.